Iako je ovo među početnim modelima, kod Marantz-a se ništa ne može nazvati “entry level-om”.
Ovo pojačalo je robusni stroj koje će zadovoljiti ne samo entry level HI-FI ljubitelje, već i mnogo onih koji u svojim sustavima imaju i puuno ozbiljnije i skuplje uređaje.
MARANTZ PM 5003 isporučuje 2x40W snage na 8Ohma i bez problema se može nazvati čistokrvnim Marantz-om.
Od izrade, funkcija, upravljanja….sve je onako kako treba biti. Uključujući i odličan PHONO ulaz.
…a zvuk…možda najbolje opisuje ovaj isječak iz recenzije portala STEREOPHILE iz 2010. godine:
But how does it sound?
Quite remarkable, actually.
The first phase of my listening involved only CDs, to test the line-stage and power-amp sections. The Marantz PM5003’s transparent, uncolored midrange made it a pleasure to listen to well-recorded classical woodwinds, such as Anthony Michaelson’s clarinet on his recording. of Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto, with Robert Bailey leading the Michaelangelo Chamber Orchestra (CD, Musical Fidelity MF 018). Throughout all three movements, Michaelson’s instrument was woody, airy, and vibrant. Jazz piano also shone through the PM5003—the rich, warm, sonorous midrange of Marilyn Crispell’s instrument floated naturally into my listening room on her rather minimalist phrasing in the title track of her Amaryllis (CD, ECM 1742).
Marantz PM 5003 se u svoje vrijeme prodavao po cijeni od 550€, dok ovaj predivan primjerak u MINT stanju može biti vaš za samo 250€.